Cooking With: Chris Kontos

Cooking With: Chris Kontos

Cooking With: Chris Kontos

Even as restaurants are reopening, we still enjoy a good home cooked meal. This time we asked our friend and founder of Kennedy magazine, Chris Kontos to share his favorite dish, pasta with sardines.

"Pasta is always a staple here at our place. I enjoy cooking it for myself or sharing it with friends who come over for dinner and a wine at home. During the pandemic we had a couple of friends that were visiting almost every week and I was trying to introduce them to a different style of pasta. One that always made an impression is the pasta con sarde recipe or just pasta with sardines. I love cooking this recipe when there is not much in the fridge and all I can work with is whatever is left on our kitchen shelves. Our kitchen is a place we always sit and chat over a glass of wine while the dinner is being prepared. Here is a simple yet umami recipe to cook for your friends next time."

Chris wears ANOTHER Cardigan 1.0, Midnight Blue (see more).

Chris wears ANOTHER Cardigan 1.0, Midnight Blue (see more).

And now, the recipe... serves 4 persons


500g good or homemade pasta
3 gloves of garlic
Olive oil
A slice of stale bread
A hand-full of corinthian raisins 
A can of good quality sardines in olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Grill the stale bread until golden and crispy, and break it into tiny pieces or use the processor

2. While your pasta is cooking you can easily prepare the sauce (it's a recipe for hungry chefs!)

3. In a large pan heat the olive oil with the garlic gloves crushed. When it starts cooking add the sardines and slowly let them cook while they dissolve in the mixture. Add the raisins and pepper flaskes and cook for a few extra minutes until raisins soften. Add fresh grounded pepper. I never add salt but you can according to your taste. If your sauce is to thick add a spoonful of pasta cooking water. Last minute add your crispy breadcrumbs. 

4. Toss the sauce into your al dente cooked pasta and serve right away!

5. Serve with a nice natural red. We had the Foivos Papastratis Fireworks, a great blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot

6. Bon appétit